The Beating Hearts of the Hive

Marleine Zahra, Founder and CEO

"Love what you do and enjoy your work, and it will be immensely rewarding."

Marleine is a leading female influencer in the regional business world. She began her career in the real estate development space, providing oversight and strategic planning in the interior design and F&B segments – a function she retains today as a highly-accomplished business leader in Dubai.

She is equally committed to her family, to which she remains dedicated despite the pressures of her career, and maintains a deeply-held love for fashion.

As a trend-watcher and -setter in her own right, the fashion business is very much engrained in her lifestyle and reflects her passion for all things exclusive, aesthetic and extraordinary.

Maya Darian, Managing Director

A specialist in GCC client experience management, Maya has served leading brands within the multinational LVMH Group, including Bulgari and Givenchy. Her deep client understanding and ability to forge strong relationships with major brands and individuals have positioned her as a highly accomplished figure in the region’s luxury clienteling space.

Her 360° approach involves engagement at every level in the client experience, from the management of highly exclusive events to strategic analysis and retail excellence training, building on her long experience working with local and international VVIPs and producing top-tier events in the federal government and luxury sectors.

Her extensive industry knowledge and network of professional relationships in the event management space are complemented by a carefully cultivated HNW client network spanning the entire GCC region.

In 2021, having been nominated by the Dubai Culture and Arts Authority, she was granted a UAE Golden Visa in recognition of her contribution to the cultural development of the emirate.

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