Ambition As A Way of Life

  • Ambition gives us meaning; it keeps the flame of hope alight within us and channels our energy, feeding our endurance and our ability to overcome adversity.
  • True ambition – that which leads to success – stems not from envy but rather a healthy admiration for, and desire to learn from, those who are successful.
  • If your ambition either undermines your social life and inner peace, or is born of selfishness, it will necessarily lead to suffering.
  • It is imperative that society, parents, educators and the media strive to empower a “culture of ambition.”
  • Ambition is not restricted to individuals; states and institutions are growing stronger as a consequence of their ambitions. We have witnessed such countries gain the admiration of the world having overcome difficult circumstances.
  • All who achieve success aspire to difficult or seemingly unobtainable goals, but they are powered by sheer belief – the inner voice that tells them they can ultimately succeed.
  • Ambition differs from delusion – it does not neglect logic or vision. Like the young French protestors of 1968, one must "be realistic” whilst demanding the impossible.
  • Let us achieve our aspirations within a framework of humanitarian values; let us inspire others with an honourable legacy of integrity.